Test if you are AUR ready by running below snippet in a terminal
if [[ $(pacman-mirrors -G) == 'stable' ]]; then echo 'AUR is a no-go'; else echo 'OK - go ahead'; fi
Every AUR build script page has a notification subscription -> in upper right box.
This is a simple as it gets - when the script is updated you get a mail notification.
And you are correct - it can.
Even so it has proven countless times this is a bad idea.
That just a couple of stumbling points the last couple of months.
So do yourself a favour and revert Pamac -> Preferences -> Third Party -> Check for updates to the default - which is disabled.
Another fairly simple solutions is to run a script after login
The script requires yay to be installed
sudo pacman -Syu yay
Due to a - @2023-05-09 - fair amount of open bugs with yay you may choose to use paru instead.
Create a script - check-aur.sh - place it in ~/.local/bin and make it executable with content
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# AUR buildscript update checker
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# 2022-12-20
# @linux-aarhus (c) root.nix.dk
# 2023-05-09: added not on yay bugs
# due to a fair amount of open bugs for yay https://github.com/Jguer/yay/issues
# it may be due dilligence to change to paru
# paru supports the same arguments as yay
# simply change yay to paru in the script
#check if yay is available
if ! command -v ${AurHelper} > /dev/null; then
echo ":: ${AurHelper} not found... please install"
exit 1
#check if libnotify is available
if ! [[ "$(which notify-send)" =~ (notify-send) ]]; then
echo ":: libnotify not found... (sudo pacman -S libnotify"
exit 1
aur_changed=$(${AurHelper} -Quaq)
if ! [[ -z ${aur_changed} ]]; then
if ! stty &>/dev/null; then
notify-send -u normal "Notification of AUR changes" "$aur_changed"
printf "${aur_changed}"
Make the script executable
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/check-aur.sh
The script will do
{paru|yay} -Quaq
and store the response in a variableTo run it one time after login create a user service file
First create the service folder structure
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
Then create a file ~/.config/systemd/user/check-aur.service - paste the following content
Description=Check for changes to AUR my buildscrpts
# wait for network
After=syslog.target network.target default.target
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 30
Start the user service - do not use sudo
systemctl --user enable check-aur.service
After login the service will activate and do the following
If you are not satisfied with the popup shortly after login create a timer
Do not flood AUR with useless traffic
Create a complementary timer ~/.config/systemd/user/check-aur.timer with content - example is 4 hours
Description=Schedule AUR change checks
The timer will do this
When using a timer - you need to disable the service - otherwise the timer refuse to activate it.
systemctl --user disable --now check-aur.service
Then activate the timer
systemctl --user enable --now check-aur.timer
When you use this notifier and you are notified - simply use your favorite AUR helper to rebuild the packages.
Pamac works from command line too
pamac build <scriptname>
Rebuild all from the command line
pamac build $(check-aur.sh)
This example is from my system. I am using the dotnet-core-bin custom script to install dotnet 6 - because the the project I work on must have long term support.
My issue is that the above script keeps informing me the package has been updated to dotnet 7 - which I - for the time being - do not need.
So I rewrote the script be able to handle an array of ignored packages. One added benefit was the aquired bash array knowledge - never too old to learn - right?
Due to a - @2023-05-09 - fair amount of open bugs with yay I have added support for paru which - when available - will be preferred over yay.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# AUR buildscript update checker - optional ignore specific packages
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# 2023-04-15
# @linux-aarhus (c) root.nix.dk
# Revision log
# 2023-05-09: Added paru as supported helper - paru will be preferred over yay
# : Rewrite comparison to arrays and fix missing content with libnotify
# 2023-05-10: shellcheck validated
# Ignore specific packages
# e.g. IgnorePkgs=('pkg1' 'pkg2')
IgnorePkgs=('dotnet-host-bin' 'dotnet-targeting-pack-bin'
'aspnet-targeting-pack-bin' 'aspnet-runtime-bin'
'dotnet-runtime-bin' 'dotnet-sdk-bin'
# to skip search set AurHelper to yay or paru
if [[ -z ${AurHelper} ]]; then
#check if paru is available
if command -v paru > /dev/null; then
if [[ -z ${AurHelper} ]]; then
#check if yay is available
if command -v yay > /dev/null; then
if [[ -z ${AurHelper} ]]; then
echo "=> No AurHelper found"
echo "=> supported helpers:"
echo " --> yay: sudo pacman -S yay"
echo " --> paru: pamac build paru-bin"
exit 1
#check if libnotify is available
if ! [[ "$(which notify-send)" =~ (notify-send) ]]; then
echo ":: libnotify not found... (sudo pacman -S libnotify)"
exit 1
# get changed scripts
aur=$(${AurHelper} -Quaq)
# setup arrays
IFS=$'\n' ignored=("$(sort <<<"${IgnorePkgs[*]}")"); unset IFS
IFS=$'\n' changed=("$(sort <<<"${aur[*]}")"); unset IFS
# create a filtered array
filtered=$(comm -13 <(printf "%s\n" "${ignored[@]}") <(printf "%s\n" "${changed[@]}"))
# create the notification
notification=$(for f in "${filtered[@]}"; do echo "${f}"; done)
# display notification if the filtered array is not empty
if [[ -n "${notification}" ]]; then
if ! stty &>/dev/null; then
notify-send -u normal "Notification of AUR changes" "${notification}"
echo "${notification}"