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The real reason we use Linux
Linux is Not Windows
Portable Manjaro Mirror
Minimal SMB configuration
ARM wireless Samba file service based on Arch
Setting up NFS using Manjaro
Smart Manjaro system update
Reinstall Manjaro without loosing data
Hacking ARM desktop installer
Hacking ARM install image to connect to WiFi
Raspberry Pi VNC over SSH
Install NextCloud on Raspberry Pi
Store personal files using separate partition (fstab)
Store personal files using separate partition (systemd)
Sharing data in multiuser environment
Sharing data in multi-boot environment
Droid Cam on Manjaro
Iriun Web Cam on Manjaro
Access my second harddrive
Dual boot Manjaro and Windows
ISO to USB no wasted space
Run a Java program on Manjaro
Connect to Synology NFS share
Thunar custom actions
Create a Windows USB
Mouse and keyboard sharing
Change username
Manjaro Persistent USB
Permanent mounts using fstab
Headless Windows on VirtualBox
Pine Phone Community Edition
Manjaro and Windows - Secure Boot - repo only
Manjaro CLI Install
CLI to vanilla Gnome
Encrypted CLI installation
Manjaro base using sdboot and luks
Manjaro on a stick
Manjaro cloud instance using cloud-init
Manjaro Secure Boot
Base CLI install
Building the tools required
EFI Preparation
initrd configuration
Verify luks setup
sbupdate and kernel command line
Mimick Manjaro Mate using sdboot and luks
systemd-boot - BASIC - installation
systemd-boot - LUKS - btrfs
systemd-boot - LUKS - ext4
USB LXDE with persistence
Manjaro Maintenance Guide
About Manjaro and AUR
Update Manjaro the smart way
AUR - please restrain yourself
Responsible use of AUR
What is wrong - I am not to blame
Notes and Bookmarks
The perfect Linux OS
Sharing Pi NextClound
Troubleshooting missing firmware access
Network know-how
Systemd unit manual
systemd - mount units
Sample mount units
Partition mount unit
SMB mount unit
NFS mount unit
FTP mount unit
WEBDAV mount unit
USB device
Convert Manjaro to Arch
Convert Manjaro32 to Archlinux32
Flash USG-3P
Clearing a stubborn storage device
Dummy notes for Arch install
Dummy notes for BIOS/GPT install
ALMA project
ArchLinux USB
Visual Studio IISExpress
Killing process in MS Windows
Internet rules of engagement
Using bind for local domain
MD/RAID notes
Luks on btrfs
Locale error messages
Linux dual-boot Windows
Grav boxes
Retrieve missing GPG using makepkg
Bypass root permissions
Using Powershell for SQL queries
Decrapify Android Phone
No passwordless root on Arch
Capture terminal output to clipboard
Boot ISO from GRUB
Use CLI to create an animated GIF
SSH server security
CRM lingo
macOS installer
Troubleshooting Manjaro Windows dual-boot
Intel Xorg config
Manjaro historic update notes
Notes on systemd-boot
Web API2 Expose Custom Header
Alacritty Terminal Emulator
VPN routing
tmux cheatsheet
Raspberry Pi notes
Install LAMP on EndeavourOS (Arch based distribution)
Manjaro Tools build_mirror
Creating a dotnet development certificate
Computer doesn't boot - black screen or message
[Bookmark] Setting up Howdy
SQL Notes
Install deb package on Arch based Linux
Notes on Flatpak maintenance
Quick Notes
Manjaro - offline package installation
CLI mount .img files on Arch based system
X11 over SSH
Pinebook Pro Network Wifi Privacy Cycle
URL pastebins by @cscs
Import pfx certificats on Manjaro
dm-crypt notes
Linux finding port origin
Different dotnet versions
SMB protocols overview
Synology 1010 DSM5.2 to DSM6.x
Network Notes
TigerVNC over SSH
Basic firewall (iptables) rules
Disable NetworkManager connectivity check
NordVPN on Arch based distribution
Pi Zero W - prepare wireless connection
Samba Quick Setup public read-write shares
Basic Samba Setup and Troubleshooting
Samba From Scratch
Share network connection peer-to-peer
Make Manjaro compatible with VPN providers
Manjaro NAS (network attached storage)
Utility Scripts
Check AUR buildscript changes
Packagelist and Configuration backup
USB partition script
Set Browser Script
Battery Charge Notifier
Get LAN IP address
Mount samba share as user
Arch ARM image WiFi hack
Check if system needs reboot
FreeRDP script template
Use Python to download and verify Manjaro ISO
Raspberry Pi
System Configuration
Primer on handling a grub package update
Disable write-cache for USB devices
Changing LUKS passphrase
Automated ISO login
Virtualization Notes
Linux Recovery Tools
Tools Overview
kernel init
Arch install scripts
Prepare system for TPM
Clear History
Atom 1.0
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- The Modern Flat File CMS
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Manjaro CLI Install
Manjaro Secure Boot
sbupdate and kernel command line
sbupdate and kernel command line
Kernel commandline