What I had in mind was a powerhouse - to run a Windows 10 with Visual Studio and SQL server - as a virtual machine - a development project I have.
I want to power on the system and after boot - ideally - the Windows system would be available using RDP.
After some speculations I decided to look at my pile of hardware - I got a few servers collecting dust - but they are noisy as a highway at rush hour.
But I got a tower from when my daughter was teenager. Its an older i7 on an Intel board - maybe it will do.
I have a virtual machine with Visual Studio and SQL installed but that is on another system - what would be the easiest way to directly transfer the VM 127G? NFS of course.
I added an extra 250G SSD for VM storage to the system and enabled/started the ssh daemon so I could continue using terminal.
Added the necessary setup - using my own guide to NFS (my memory is muscle memory - I haven't setup that much NFS). I then transferred the VM to the new system.
Installed the virtualbox packages - build the oracle extension pack (necessary for VRDE).
VirtualBox looks for machines in the user's ~/VirtualBox\ VMs folder so I made a symlink from the VM storage location into my user home
VirtualBox CLI is - according to Oracle - the only method exposing all possible VM manipulation you think of.
VirtualBox cannot start a virtual machine if it don't know of it - so I needed to register the VM
To be able to access the VM remotely - I need to enable VRDE (virtualbox-ext-oracle contains this functionality).
Start the VM
On my workstation I already have remmina and freerdp packages - so to verify have set it up - launching remmina and connecting to my tower IP - and login to the Windows 10 system.
Now auto starting the VM should be a piece of cake - but everything I can think of is scripted and it requires a login - and I would very much like to avoid that.
After more thinking - well - others must have had this idea too - and there is. I found a very old post on using systemd to load a virtual machine on boot.
If was incredibly simple - and honestly - I doubted it would work - because the VM is stored in my users home - but to my pleasant surprise - it works :slight_smile:
The topic mentioned the requirement of the user owning the machine and responsible for starting it should be member of vboxusers group.
I discovered VBoxHeadless and that you can enable VRDE when using VBoxHeadless to start the VM.
Saved the file as vboxvmservice@.service
Enable a vm specific service
Start the service
I also discovered that the defaults for such systemd service may timeout and the service shutdown before the VBoxManage command could finalize the saving of state - making Windows start in trouble shooting mode.
Adding a TimeoutStopSec=60 to the Service definition solved the issue. If you experience Windows Repair issues because it takes longer to save the state of the VM - increase the value.
It is also possible to use acpipowerbutton instead of savestate. Be careful with that if you don't have an up-to-date installation of the guest-iso inside the VM. If not the acpipowerbutton is not reliable.
So now I power on the ~server~ computer - wait until it is up - then I connect to my visual studio virtual machine and I have released my workstation of that burden.
And I can shut it down without damaging my windows installation.